How to change the GTK engine on Cinnamon >= 2.0


I just upgraded to Cinnamon 2.0.14 on my LMDE laptop and in this new version I am unable to change the GTK engine used. Menus and widgets in general look very ugly:

enter image description here

When they should look something like this:

enter image description here

In principle, I should be able to change this using Cinnamon's own settings app in System Settings => Themes => Other Settings => Controls:

enter image description here

However, while most options available in that window work (Window Borders for example), the "Controls" and "Icons" options are ignored.

Starting from version 2.0, Cinnamon has become independent of Gnome and in fact conflicts with it. I have therefore had to remove Gnome to install this version of Cinnamon which may be relevant. I do have the necessary GTK packages installed though:

$ dpkg -l | grep engines | grep gtk | awk '{printf "%s  %-26s %-22s\n",$1,$2,$3}'
ii  gtk2-engines:amd64         1:2.20.2-3            
ii  gtk2-engines-aurora        1.5.1-3               
ii  gtk2-engines-candido       0.9.1-pablo4          
ii  gtk2-engines-magicchicken  1.1.1-9               
ii  gtk2-engines-moblin        1.1.1-1.1             
ii  gtk2-engines-murrine:amd64            
ii  gtk2-engines-nodoka        0.7.0-1.2             
ii  gtk2-engines-oxygen:amd64  1.3.3-2               
ii  gtk2-engines-pixbuf:amd64  2.24.20-1             
ii  gtk2-engines-wonderland    1.0-8                 
ii  gtk2-engines-xfce          3.0.1-2               
ii  gtk3-engines-oxygen:amd64  1.1.4-1               
ii  gtk3-engines-unico:amd64   1.0.2-1        

So, how can I choose the GTK engine used by Cinnamon to make my new desktop pretty?

Best Answer

how can I choose the GTK engine used by Cinnamon to make my new desktop pretty?

WRT GTK 2: Try installing gtk-chtheme. This is an independent application:

gtk-chtheme screenshot

I don't use Cinnamon (or Mint) but this has never failed to override a DE's settings for me.

These settings are (I presume) universally kept in ~/.gtkrc-2.0, but being able to browse the themes graphically makes things a little simpler.

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