Change Firefox Icon – How to Update Icon on Panel and Menus


I installed Firefox on Linux Mint Debian Edition with the Cinnamon desktop.

This Firefox package doesn't use the regular Firefox icon, with the fox curled around the world enter image description here; it has what I call the "orange eyeball" icon. enter image description here

Is there a way to have the standard Firefox icon show up on the panel ("taskbar") button and the menus? This "eyeball" icon is so visually unappealing that if I can't change it, I'll uninstall Firefox and use Opera or Chrome instead. (Yes, I really do find it that ugly. I do not want to have to look at this thing.)

Best Answer

To answer my own question:

Ignacio's answer takes care of the large icon on the system menu, and the taskbar launcher if you add one. Changing the icon on the taskbar button/panel button took more digging.

Uninstalling the 'native' Firefox from LMDE (sudo apt-get remove firefox) and installing the tar.gz from still left me with the orange eyeball on the panel button.

So I started hunting through folders, and eventually found it: The icon I can't stand is in /usr/share/icons/Mint-X/apps/16/firefox-png.

I renamed the file to firefox-ugly-icon.png, and copied in the icon I want (from another system). Problem solved.

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