How to best encrypt and decrypt a directory via the command line or script

command lineencryptionSecurity

I have a directory of text files under bazaar version control and keep a copy (a branch, actually) on each of my machines. I want to encrypt and unencrypt the directory via the command line.

Ideally, I would also be able to have a script run at logout to check if the directory is encrypted and encrypt it if not, all without user intervention. I do not, however, want the dir to be decrypted on login. (I want the script as a guard against forgetting to encrypt manually. This is especially important for the netbook.)

I'm running ubuntu 10.04.1 and two versions of crunchbang linux, one a derivative of ubuntu 9.04, the either of a late June snapshot of the Debian Squeeze repos.

What is the best way to do this?

(I tried to tag with encryption and directories, but lack the rep to create a tag.)

Best Answer

Do you have administrative access to the machines? One could use an encrypted loopback device. Example:

make a container file for the encrypted fs:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=container bs=1024k count=100 

bind container file to loopback device 0:

losetup container /dev/loop0

create encrypted device (-y asks for passphrase twice; line split by \):

cryptsetup -c serpent-xts-essiv:sha256 -b 512 \
   -y create container /dev/loop0 

create ext2 filesystem on encrypted device (can use anything really):

mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/container

mounts encrypted filesystem to crypt directory:

mount /dev/mapper/container crypt

For reference:

man cryptsetup && man losetup

Also, read up on cryptography best practises, for information on choosing cipher and key lengths to use, etc.

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