How to avoid conflicts between dnsmasq and systemd-resolved


I recently installed dnsmasq to act as DNS Server for my local network. dnsmasq listens on port 53 which is already in use by the local DNS stub listener from systemd-resolved.

Just stopping systemd-resolved and then restart it after dnsmasq is running solves this issue. But it returns after a reboot: systemd-resolved is started with preference and dnsmasq will not start because port 53 is already in use.

The first obvious question, I guess, is how do I best make systemd-resolved understand that it should not start the local DNS stub listener and thus keep port 53 for use by dnsmasq?

A more interesting question, however, is how the two services are generally meant to work together. Are they even meant to work side by side or is systemd-resolved just in the way if one's using dnsmasq?

Best Answer

As of systemd 232 (released in 2017) you can edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and add this line:


This will switch off binding to port 53.

The option is described in more details in the resolved.conf manpage.

You can find the systemd version your system is running with:

systemctl --version
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