How to assign redundant shortcuts for switching workspaces in GNOME 3

gnome3keyboard shortcuts

I would like to bind both Super+1 and Super+Home as shortcuts to the "Switch to workspace 1" action in GNOME 3. Is there a way to do this?

I think that to achieve this there would either have to be a way to assign multiple keyboard shortcuts to the same action or there would have to be a way to switch workspaces via a command-line action (which would alet me create a shortcut for it in the "custom shortcuts" section). But I'm not sure these are possible…

Best Answer

Yes, this is a dconf setting and the value is an array of strings which means it accepts multiple shortcuts. You can do that via dconf-editor if you navigate to


and turn Use default value OFF then insert Custom value: ['<Super>Home', '<Super>1']

enter image description here

Or if you prefer CLI you can use dconf or gsettings e.g.

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-1 "['<Super>Home', '<Super>1']"

Keep in mind the values must be quoted and separated by comma+space.

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