How to assign an icon to a program in Openbox


I am running on Arch Linux using Openbox as the window manager. I want to assign icons to some programs that are using the generic icon.

This is helpful because when I do an Alt-Tab, I will know the program based on the icon it shows. Currently, I have some programs, like Xterm and Xpdf, using the default icon and doing an Alt-Tab when both are open can be confusing.

I have Firefox, Geany and Leafpad installed and I noticed that they have icons during an Alt-Tab.

So how do I set this up for the other programs that don't?

Best Answer

If you are talking about icons in your panel (like tint2, for example), then you can use xseticon (there is a PKGBUILD in AUR).

You can set an icon for an application like so:

xseticon -id "$WINDOWID" path/to/icon.png
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