How to add a torrent to a running rtorrent download


So there is a directory full of torrent files:


I can start downloading them with a:

rtorrent *.torrent

command, when the working directory is the same where the torrents are.

But. Every time when I start rtorrent in this way it calculates all the takes looong time do to that and it's a cpu intensive thing.

Are there any methods to avoid this? (other console-based torrent client? or a feature to add a single torrent when already downloading a torrent without calculating all the torrent's hashes?)

Best Answer

You can set up a "session directory" so that some data is stored and, when you exit rtorrent cleanly, you can open it without going through the hashing.

According to the manpage, this can be done using the -s path option, so -s ~/torrentdir would use that as session directory. But you probably want to set this through ~/.rtorrent.rc so that you don't have to specify it all the time.

(Sorry for the lack of a working example, I don't have a computer with rtorrent set up near me right now.)

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