How to achieve higher resolution than physical resolution of an LCD


I'm using the original EeePC with screen resolution of 800x480. Some screens and dialogs do not fit into that resolution, so I have to use Alt-Drag to move windows around to reveal the bottom part of the window, but this doesn't work for a particular application I'm going to use since it's basically a fullscreen DirectX app running via wine, so some buttons are just cut off by the edge of the screen.

Is there a way to make Xorg desktop to render at higher resolution (1024px wide or so) and then transparently scaled down to the display's native resolution, so the applications think the resolution is bigger? I do not care much about output getting blurred or text getting too small.

Alternatively, is there a way to switch the video adapter to the resolution above physical resolution of the LCD screen and have the screen/video adapter itself to handle scaling (as used to be possible with CRT monitors)?

I'm using Lubuntu 12.04 so I guess have Compiz installed. There is Scale plugin in Compiz, but I don't think it does what I need.

Best Answer

In short, you want something like

xrandr --output LVDS --scale 1.28x1.28

(replacing LVDS with the desired output name, as seen in the output of running xrandr by itself).

Give it a try. Some sites said that this doesn't work on some systems that are using KMS (kernel mode setting); if so, that's a bug that's hopefully fixed. See these links for some more info on using xrandr to scale a screen like this:

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