How single-label dns lookup requests are handled by systemd-resolved


I looked into the systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved:

and I am confused by some words:

  • systemd-resolved.service(8)

    Single-label names are routed to all local interfaces capable of IP multicasting, using the LLMNR protocol.
    Lookups for a hostname ending in one of the per-interface domains are exclusively routed to the matching interfaces.


    Both "search" and "routing-only" domains are used for routing of DNS queries: look-ups for host names ending in those domains (hence also single label names, if any "search domains" are listed), are routed to the DNS servers configured for this interface.

my question is: for hosts with a bunch of interfaces configured with "search domains" and LLMNR enabled, where will the single-label lookup requests go?

more details of my confusion:

  • if an interface is configured with search domain "mydomain" and LLMNR
    disabled, will any single-label lookup request be routed into this
  • if an interface is configured with search domain "mydomain" and
    LLMNR enabled and a lookup request for "xyz" comes in, will "xyz"
    through LLMNR and "xyz.mydomain" throuth specified dns server both

Best Answer

This issue gets very long to explain. The short (imprecise) description is:

where will the single-label lookup requests go?

Single label? (not localhost et al.): Always to the LLMNR system.

Multi-label?: To the DNS servers of each interface. On failure (or if not configured), to the global DNS servers.

Yes, the general sequence goes as described in systemd-resolved.service(8) BUT:

Routing of lookups may be influenced by configuring per-interface domain names. See for details.

Sets the as an additional resource for DNS resolution.

And, understand that From RFC 4795:

Since LLMNR only operates on the local link, it cannot be considered a substitute for DNS.

The sequence (simplified) is:

  • The local, configured hostname is resolved to all locally configured IP addresses ordered by their scope, or — if none are configured — the IPv4 address (which is on the local loopback) and the IPv6 address ::1 (which is the local host).

  • The hostnames "localhost" and "localhost.localdomain" (and any hostname ending in ".localhost" or ".localhost.localdomain") are resolved to the IP addresses and ::1.

  • The hostname "_gateway" is resolved to …

  • The mappings defined in /etc/hosts are included (forth and back).

  • If the name to search has no dots (a name like home. has a dot) it is resolved by the LLMNR protocol.

    LLMNR queries are sent to and received on port 5355. RFC 4795

  • Multi word (one dot or more) names for some domain suffixes (like ".local", see full list with systemd-resolve --status) are resolved via MulticastDNS protocol.

  • Multi word names are checked against the Domains= list in per interface and if matched, the list of DNS servers of that interface are used.

  • Other multi-label names are routed to all local interfaces that have a DNS server configured, plus the globally configured DNS server if there is one.


The title of your question reads:

How single-label dns lookup requests are handled by systemd-resolved?

So, I centered my answer on systemd-resolved exclusively.

Now you ask:

  1. If an interface is configured with search domain "mydomain" and LLMNR disabled, will any single-label lookup request be routed into this interface?

  2. If an interface is configured with search domain "mydomain" and LLMNR enabled and a lookup request for "xyz" comes in, will "xyz" through LLMNR and "xyz.mydomain" throuth specified dns server both happen?

Those appear to be outside of systemd-resolved exclusively.

Let's try to analyze them:

  • LLMNR disabled ? How? Might I ask?. By disabling systemd-resolved itself with something similar to systemctl mask systemd-resolved?

    If systemd-resolved is disabled/stopped there is no LLMNR in use (most probably, unless you install Avahi, Apple bonjour or a similar program) But certainly, that is outside of systemd-resolved configuration.

    In this case, we should ask: what happens when a name resolution fails? (as there is no server to answer it). That is configured in nsswitch (file /etc/nsswitch.conf). The default configuration for Ubuntu (as Debian) contains this line:

    hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname

    That means (in nsswitch parlance):

    1. Begin by checking the /etc/hosts file. If not found, continue.

    2. Try mdns4_minimal (Avahi et al.) which will attempt to resolve the name via multicast DNS only if it ends with .local. If it does but no such mDNS host is located, mdns4_minimal will return NOTFOUND. The default name service switch response to NOTFOUND would be to try the next listed service, but the [NOTFOUND=return] entry overrides that and stops the search with the name unresolved. If mdns4_minimal return UNAVAIL (not running) then go to dns.

    The plot thickens everybody wants to be first on the list to resolve names and everyone offers to do all resolutions by themselves.

    1. The dns entry in nsswitch actually calls nss-resolve first which replace nss-dns

      nss-resolve is a plug-in module for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality of the GNU C Library (glibc) enabling it to resolve host names via the systemd-resolved(8) local network name resolution service. It replaces the nss-dns plug-in module that traditionally resolves hostnames via DNS.

      Which will depend on the several DOMAINS= entries in general /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and/or each interface via /etc/systemd/network files. That was explained above the EDIT entry.

      Understand that sytemd-resolved might query the dns servers by itself before the dns entry in nsswitch.

    2. If not found yet (without a [notfound=return] entry) then try the DNS servers. This will happen more-or-less immediately if the name does not end in .local, or not at all if it does. If you remove the [NOTFOUND=return] entry, nsswitch would try to locate unresolved .local hosts via unicast DNS. This would generally be a bad thing , as it would send many such requests to Internet DNS servers that would never resolve them. Apparently, that happens a lot.

    3. The final myhostname acts as a last-resort resolver for localhost, hostname, *.local and some other basic names.

    If systemd-resolved has a LLMNR=no set in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf the same list as above apply but systemd-resolved is still able to resolve localhost and to apply DOMAINS= settings (global or per interface).

Understand that There's the LLMNR setting in systemd-resolved and there's also the per-link LLMNR setting in systemd-networkd. link.

What does all that mean?

That it is very difficult to say with any certainty what will happen unless the configuration is very very specific. you will have to disable services and try (in your computer with your configuration) what will happen.


If an interface is configured with search domain "mydomain" and LLMNR disabled, will any single-label lookup request be routed into this interface?

Yes, of course, it may. That LLMNR is disabled only blocks local resolution (no other servers on the local (yes: .local) network will be asked) but the resolution for that name must find an answer (even if negative) so it may (if there is no NOTFOUND=return entry, for example) happen that the DNS servers for a matching interface are contacted to resolve mylocalhost.mylocaldomain when a resolution for mylocalhost was started and there is an entry for mylocaldomain in the "search domain". to answer in a general sense is almost imposible, too many variables.


If an interface is configured with search domain "mydomain" and LLMNR enabled and a lookup request for "xyz" comes in, will "xyz" through LLMNR and "xyz.mydomain" throuth specified dns server both happen?

No. if all is correctly configured a single label name "xyz" should only be resolved by LLMNR, and, even if asked, a DNS server should not try to resolve it. Well, that's theory. But the DNS system must resolve com (clearly, or the network would fall down as it is now). But there is a simple workaround: ask for com., it has a dot, it is a FQDN. In any case, a DNS server shuld answer with NOERROR (with an empty A (or AAAA)) if the server doesn't have enough information about a label and the resolution should continue with the root servers (for .). Or with a NXDOMAIN (the best answer to avoid further resolutions) for domains it knows that do not exist.

The only safe way to control this is to have a local DNS server and choose which names to resolve and which not to.

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