How similar are Android and QNX


The root of the question is really: "Can you run the Android OS on a BlackBerry PlayBook?"

Since one is a Linux derivative and the other is a Unix derivative, it seems a natural fit for here.

Best Answer

QNX is a microkernel system, with (obviously) mostly POSIX userland interfaces. Linux is a monolithic kernel, with mostly POSIX interface.

The Linux kernel inside Android is heavily modified and configured for the hardware it runs on. It has a lot of non-standard interfaces and devices under its control on your random phone/tablet. Just look at the struggle to get Android derivatives running on the machines. I presume something similar, with other changes, and particular devices, is also valid for QNX on whatever you are contemplating.

Running Android userland over QNX is perhaps possible, but a very large undertaking. Look at the massive work done by the k-FreeBSD Debian (sorry if the spelling is wrong) folks to make a much more similar pair of kernel-userland, where moreover much of the userland was build to be portable, work well together.

Running Android on the machine might be more doable, but you'll lack most (as in "almost all") of the documentation required to use any of the special devices that make the machine worthwile. That is also applicable to the last point.

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