How should I mount the ext4 partition in fstab


so that it appears in Thunar's sidebar under the name 'Schijf-2'?

I am running linux mint13 xfce and this has been a headache causer for the last couple of days.
the UUID of this partition is:

this is the output from blkid:

/dev/sda2: UUID="913aedd1-9c06-46fa-a26e-32bf5ef0a150" TYPE="ext4"

How should I enter this in fstab so that it mounts to this directory:

I have tried so many things, I have read so many stackexchange questions, but I still have not succeeded.

without an entry in fstab, the drive is shown as Schijf-2 in the file manager now.

But this partition is not automatically mounted at startup.
Which causes links to be not working, Dropbox asking for a new location etc.

And to have this automatically mounted, I need an entry in fstab. Right?

Or is there an other place where I can set to mount it automatically at startup/login?

edit 2:

After adding it again to fstab as @jasonwryan suggested, the partition shows up in Thunar when I am logged in into my own account. After logging in into my dad's account, it does not show up. Which again confirms my thoughts that somehow my dad's account has got messed up.

Which files or directory from my account should I copy paste to my dad's account to have the same settings as my own account?

I already tried removing my dad's account and adding again, but that got me into totally different trouble. (but this is a different question and has nothing to do with mounting my /dev/sda2 in fstab).

Best Answer

By default, if your fstab entry is:

UUID=913aedd1...    /media/Schijf-2   ext4    rw,relatime   0    2

your partition will not be shown as Schijf-2 in your sidebar, unless it is labelled Schijf-2. You have two options:

  • Leave the fstab entry as is and label your partition (e.g. if sda2 is your partition):

    e2label /dev/sda2 Schijf-2

  • Leave the partition as is and add x-gvfs-name=Schijf-21 to your mount options in fstab:

    UUID=913aedd1 /media/Schijf-2 ext4 rw,relatime,x-gvfs-name=Schijf-2 0 2

1 this works even if the partition has a different label and you want it to be shown as Schijf-2

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