How does `:w !sudo tee %` work


If you open a file that you don't have permission to write to in vim, then decide you need to change it, you can write your changes without exiting vim by doing :w !sudo tee %
I don't understand how this can work. Can you please dissect this?
I understand the :w part, it writes the current buffer to disk, assuming there already is a file name associated with it, right?
I also understand the ! which executes the sudo tee command and % represents the current buffer content right?
But still don't understand how this works.

Best Answer

The structure :w !cmd means "write the current buffer piped through command". So you can do, for example :w !cat and it will pipe the buffer through cat.

Now % is the filename associated with the buffer

So :w !sudo tee % will pipe the contents of the buffer through sudo tee FILENAME. This effectively writes the contents of the buffer out to the file.

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