How does the OS know that a command needs sudo


  1. When you run an executable, sometimes the OS will deny your
    permission to. For example running make install with the prefix
    being a system path will need sudo, while with the prefix being a
    non-system path will not be asked for sudo. How does the OS decide
    that running an executable would require more privilege than a user
    has, even before the program does something?
  2. Sometimes, running a program will not be denied permission, but the
    program will be able to do more things if it is run with sudo. For
    example, when running du on some system directory, only with
    sudo it will be able to access some directory. Why does the OS not
    deny permission of running such a program, or friendly notify more privilege is preferred, before the program can run?
  3. Is it true that whenever sudo works, su will also work, and
    whenever su works, sudo will also work? or with su, a user can do
    more than with sudo? How does the OS decide when sudo works, and
    when su is needed?

Best Answer

  1. Sometimes the "Permission denied" message is due to filesystem permissions denying you write access, for example. The executable/tool simply checks if it the filesystem grants you enough permissions to do what you're about to do and throws an error if it's denied by the filesystem. Other times, the tool itself will check your user ID before allowing you to continue using it.
  2. When you run a program with sudo you are running it under some other user's name. If that user is "able to do more things" than your user and the sudo configuration allows you to do these things on the other user's behalf then yes, sudo will allow you to do more things. This is not necessary, though. If you just tack sudo on at the beginning of the command line, you're actually sudoing as root, so typically you're able to do more things than a mere mortal.
  3. Most definitely not. To use sudo you need to supply your own user password and then you're allowed to do some things on the target user's behalf. To use su, you need the target user's password and if you have it, you become that target user as far as the system is concerned and can do anything that user can do.

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