How does mmap’ing /dev/mem work despite being from unprivileged mode


As far as my understanding goes, User space programs run in the unprivileged mode, and thus do not have direct access to memory or I/O.

Then how exactly can we directly access memory or I/O locations when we mmap /dev/mem in user space programs?

For example:

int fd = 0;
u8 leds = 0;
fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC);
leds = (u8 *)mmap(0, getpagesize(), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0x80840000);

This is a hack very commonly used in embedded devices.

Now the variable leds can be used on the fly to access any device that could be present at 0x80840000.

We won't be using any system call to access that address anymore.

Even something like

leds[0x20] = val;

would work.

But privileged operations, such as reading/writing directly to/from an I/O address should be possible only by putting the processor to privileged mode through a system call.


Best Answer

Allowing access to /dev/mem by unprivileged processes would indeed be a security problem and should not be permitted.

On my system, ls -l /dev/mem looks like this:

crw-r----- 1 root kmem 1, 1 Sep  8 10:12 /dev/mem

So root can read and write it, members of the kmem group (of which there happen to be none) can read it but not write it, and everyone else cannot open it at all. So this should be secure.

If your /dev/mem is anything like mine, your unprivileged process should not even have been able to open the file at all, let alone mmap it.

Check the permissions of /dev/mem on your system to make sure they are secure!

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