Boot Swap SSD – How Linux Knows Its Swap Partition


I've read that you need to put the swap partition on HDD rather than SSD.

My questions are the following:

  • When and how is the "checking" done by the distribution (or something else) to find its Swap partition?
  • Does it happen during boot?
  • It just checks all available disks and searches for a partition with 'swap' flag?
  • What happens if there are several partitions like that?
  • Also, how many swap partitions do I need to have if I run, for example, two different distributions on the same disk, let's say Fedora and Ubuntu?

Best Answer

Statically configured swap space (the type that pretty much every distribution uses) is configured in /etc/fstab just like filesystems are.

A typical entry looks something like:

UUID=21618415-7989-46aa-8e49-881efa488132    none    swap     sw      0  0

You may also see either discard or nofail specified in the flags field (the fourth field). Every such line corresponds to one swap area (it doesn't have to be a partition, you can have swap files, or even entire swap disks).

In some really specific cases you might instead have dynamically configured swap space, although this is rather rare because it can cause problematic behavior relating to memory management. In this case, the configuration is handled entirely by a userspace component that creates and enables swap files as needed at run time.

As far as how many you need, that's a complicated question to answer, but the number of different Linux distributions you plan to run has zero impact on this unless you want to be able to run one distribution while you have another in hibernation (and you probably don't want to do this, as it's a really easy way to screw up your system).

When you go to run the installer for almost any major distribution (including Fedora, OpenSUSE, Linux Mint, Debian, and Ubuntu), it will detect any existing swap partitions on the system, and add those to the configuration for the distribution you're installing (except possibly if you select manual partitioning), and in most cases this will result in the system being configured in a sensible manner.

Even aside from that, I would personally suggest avoiding having multiple swap partitions unless you're talking about a server system with lots of disks, and even then you really need to know what you're doing to get set up so that it performs well.

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