Fish – How Does History Work in Fish Shell?

command historyfish

I'm a bash user, starting a new job at a place where people use fish shell.

I'm looking at the history command which I often use in bash. When I use it in fish I get a long list of my history which I can scroll up and down on with the arrow keys.

There are no numbers like in bash and pressing enter is the same as the down key.

How can I run a past command with fish shell's history?

Best Answer

The history command here isn't bash-compatible, it's just displaying it in a pager (e.g. less).

To select an old command, you'll probably want to enter the part you remember right into the commandline, press up-arrow until you have found what you want and then press enter to execute.

E.g. on my system I enter mes, press up and rm -I appears (with the "mes" part highlighted). I then press enter and it executes.