How does ‘Create New Folder’ short-key work

directoryfile-managerkeyboard shortcutsmkdir

In many file managers there is a shortcut/key to create a new folder. In Nautilus, Thunar, Panthon-Files, this is Ctrl+Shift+N, in Dolphin it is F10.

How does this shortcut work?

I imagine that behind it it's a mkdir command, but that would need a path (like discussed here). I can imagine that opening the file manager at a certain location and using the shortcut, this triggers the needed command: is this what happens? What command is that? Can a custom shortcut be used for the same purpose?

Best Answer

The new folder is not created until you actually provide a name, normally by typing something in what looks like a directory/folder name in the currently open directory/folder in the manager. Once you enter that name and press return the actual call to mkdir() is executed (not the mkdir commandline command). And if you directly press Enter you often get some default name.

The event that you press Ctrl+Shift+N triggers the routine that creates the box where you change the name for the new folder and that sets the whole thing rolling.

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