Files – How to Write Specific Bytes to a File


Given a file myfile with the following contents:

$ cat myfile

A hexdump of the file gives us the contents:

$ hexdump myfile
6f66 736f 000a

Currently, I can create the file by specifying the contents in ascii like this:

$ echo foos > myfile

Is it possible to create the file by giving it the exact bytes in hexadecimal rather than ascii?

$ # How can I make this work?
$ echo --fake-hex-option "6f66 736f 000a" > myfile
$ cat myfile

Update: For clarity's sake, I worded the question to ask how to write a small number of bytes to a file. In reality, I need a way to pipe a large amount of hexadecimal numbers directly into a file rather than just 3 bytes:

$ cat hexfile
6f66 736f 6f66 736f ...
$ some_utility hexfile > myfile
$ cat myfile

Best Answer

This is the hexundump script from my personal collection:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
$^W = 1;
$c = undef;
while (<>) {
    if (defined $c) { warn "Consuming $c"; $_ = $c . $_; $c = undef; }
    if (length($_) & 1) { s/(.)$//; $c = $1; }
    print pack "H*", $_;
if (!eof) { die "$!"; }
if (defined $c) { warn "Odd number of hexadecimal digits"; }
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