How Do I Shrink the Visible Area of the X11 Root Window


I would like to make the visible workspace of my desktop fill up less space than the entire monitor while keeping image fidelity constant. Presumably, any solution would leave a black border around the new, smaller main window. I am pretty sure this involves making some tweaks to xorg.conf (like changing the DisplaySize and X and Y position of the root window or something), but nothing has worked for me. I am running Debian "Squeeze".

Best Answer

Launch a second X server, using XNest, and position it within the real root window. This has several advantages over messing with xorg.conf files:

  • you can still put extra stuff in the black border (or not make it black, etc.) (might be cool remove the frame and see "joejoejoe wuz here" down the side)

  • you can position it exactly where you want just using mouse (XNest is an X server that looks like a client to the root X Server)

  • and uh, you don't have to futz with xorg.conf files