How difficult will it be to determine, get and apply latest patches to Solaris 8


I have a Sun Ultra Enterprise 2 running Solaris 8 (Generic_108528-11). This hasn't had any patches applied for years. I just now got the configuration right for connecting to the internet through my Verizon router. I want to get an uptodate browser (it's currently running Netscape 4.76!) but I suspect that I'll need to have the latest (or perhaps the last) patches created for Solaris 8 applied in order to have a current browser work. How difficult will it be to determine what patches I need and the get and apply them?
I've considered upgrading to a newer version of Solaris but I don't think any newer version that will run on this box is available on CD; everything is on DVD and I don't even know if I could replace the CD-ROM drive with a DVD drive.
I'm pretty much a novice when it come to Solaris or Unix when it comes to administration.

Best Answer

If you're paying for a support contract, it should be very easy to download the latest Solaris 8 recommended patch bundle from the Oracle Support website and install it using the included script & instructions in that bundle.

Oracle does not make Solaris 8 patches available without paying for a support contract, and is scheduled to stop producing Solaris 8 patches in October 2014 (over 14 years from when the OS was first released in February 2000), but will still charge for access to get existing patches after that date.

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