How did Linux/xBSD boot before GRUB


According to Wikipedia, GRUB was released in 1995. By that point Linux and xBSD existed for several years. I know early Unix versions were tied to hardware in the 70s and 80s, but Linux and xBSD were free to distribute and install. Which begs the question how would you boot Linux back then? Were distributions shipping with their own implementations of bootloaders?

Best Answer

The first Linux distribution I used back in the 90s (Slackware 3.0 IIRC) used LILO as a bootloader. And many distros used LILO for years even when GRUB was becoming the "default" bootloader.

Moreover, in the early years of Linux it was common to boot Linux from another OS (i.e. DOS or Windows) instead of relying on a bootloader/dual booting. For example there was loadlin.

Don't forget Syslinux, which is a simpler boot loader often used for USB self-bootable installation/recovery distros. Or Isolinux (from the same project) used by many "Live" distros.

Keep in mind that today GRUB can be used to load many operating systems, while LILO was more limited, and specifically targeted at Linux (i.e. LInux LOader), with some support for dual booting to Windows.
GRUB is very useful for dual/multi booting because of its many configurable options, scripting capabilities, etc...
If you just want a single OS on your machine "any" (i.e. whichever bootloader is the default for your Linux/BSD distribution) should be enough.

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