Home directory for system users


What is the best practice when setting the home directory of system users that don't have a specific working directory.

I often have to create users to run specific binaries or scripts. Supposing that my binary is in /usr/bin and that my user will only be used by my init script to run this binary, can I simply run:

useradd --no-create-home

Or is it safer to specify a directory in /var, /tmp or else?

Best Answer

You can create something like /var/empty and use it for your all system users, or just specify something like /dev/null as their home directory. I use the latter for system users that just run one binary (often service). If program wants to store something, I specify /srv/app where app is program name and make the directory for it.

If programs like useradd require you to specify home directory, specify /var/empty and create that directory as root:root 0755. Otherwise, just specify something invalid but sure existing, being it a file or directory. It also advised to specify a /bin/false as a login shell, although it's easy to override.

Or just specify /. It's no matter where their PWD will point to, if you want them not to write stuff, being in / is normal as being in /var/empty for example.

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