Having some trouble using “find -exec {} +”


Disclaimer: I am a novice to Unix/Linux, but I am looking forward to learning! I have tried a search on this stackexchange and read the the man find, but I can't seem to figure this out.

I want to use the find ... -exec {} + command to recursively find all files with a particular file extension and run a command on the list of files. There are approximately 100k files that I need to convert. The command that I am running accepts the filename (or a list of filenames, eg f1 f2 f3) as a parameter, but I also need to specify additional parameters to run the command.

What I tried so far:

This works:

find . -iname "*.extension" -exec <command> {} <additional parameters> \;

This doesn't seem to work:

find . -iname "*.extension" -exec <command> {} <additional parameters> +

I get the error message, find: missing argument to '-exec'. I am guessing that I cannot specify additional parameters after the {}?

Some notes:

The command in question takes the filename as the first parameter, and then I need to designate some additional parameters, such as the output directory -o <outputDir> and the variables to extract from the files -v <var1,var2,...>.

I am running this on the terminal in Ubuntu 12.04, if that makes any difference.

Best Answer

find . -iname "*.extension" -exec sh -c '
  exec <command> "$@" <additional parameters>' sh {} +
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