Have outdated man pages and what can I do about it


I stumbled an outdated man page on my system (ubuntu 14.04), and I want to reinstall all man pages.
I tried to use sudo mandb, and also sudo apt-get install man-db and sudo apt-get install manpages-dev, none of them worked.

What are other options?

Best Answer

The man pages on your system correspond to the software that's installed on your system. It would be bad if you had documentation that didn't describe the software you're running!

Ubuntu 14.04, by definition, includes software versions released at least a few months before April 2014.

Reinstalling man pages won't give you more recent versions. Reinstalling just gives you what you already had.

If you want your system to have recent documentation, you need to upgrade your distribution. You'll get more recent software and the assorted documentation.

If you want to read documentation for software that you don't have installed, then just read it on a website.

If you want to have easy access to software and documentation that's newer or older than your distribution, you can install another distribution on your machine (e.g. another release of Ubuntu), either in a virtual machine or in a chroot. See How do I run 32-bit programs on a 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu?