Hard Disk – Retrieve Info Behind Hardware RAID Controller


If I run smartctl -i /dev/sdb I get correct disk information including serial number and drive model number. But this is for a disk marked as JBOD.

For n drives that are RAID'ed (using an LSI RAID card in my case), that presents the assembled volume to Linux under just dev/sda for example, and I make one partition that would be sda1 and is of the expected size… fairly simple.

Without having to power off my server and remove each drive to look at the sticker for model and serial information, is there a way to see each individual disk behind a RAID card that has been combined into a virtual drive, and get the basic information of any one of those RAID'ed disks?

Best Answer

Since you mention an LSI RAID card, I’ll assume it’s a MegaRAID device; in this case, you can get the information about each underlying drive by running

smartctl -i -d megaraid,0 /dev/sda

replacing /dev/sda as appropriate (it should correspond to the device node of your RAID drive as visible in the system), and 0 (increment it to see each drive).

The smartctl manpage lists the different types of controllers which are supported, and the syntax used to address them.

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