Gzip, send to server, ungzip


I am working on a script to backup and gzip a set of MySQL tables, scp/ssh them to a different server and then unpack them
current script is:


DATE=`date +"%d_%b_%Y_%H%M"`

echo Creating new directory /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_$DATE
sudo mkdir /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_$DATE
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_$DATE

mysqldump pacific_fathom user_types > /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_$DATE/user_types.sql
echo Dumping users ...
mysqldump pacific_fathom users > /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_$DATE/users.sql
echo Dumping users_roles ...
mysqldump pacific_fathom users_roles > /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_$DATE/users_roles.sql

tar -zvcpf $BACKUP_DIR/PlatformDB-$DATE.tar.gz /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_* | ssh [email protected] 'tar -xzf - -C /mnt/data/backups/saturday'

echo Finished!

the backup works and it will zip the files but it tells me it errors with

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

The output file it creates is PlatformDB-22_Jul_2021_1553.tar.gz

It never moves to the ssh part (checked last in the remote server and there are no logins there) so I am a bit confused as to why I am get this error. The tar.gz file it creates can be unpacked using the tar -xzf - -C /mnt/data/backups/saturday part of the script. I do have to replace the - with the file name. I do not think that would make a difference in the script though. Also that would not work in an automated environment. Any help would be GREATLY appreaciated!!!

Best Answer

The command tar -zvcpf ...$DATE.tar.gz /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_* writes the gzipped backup to $DATE.tar.gz and outputs the list of files that are backed up.

This file list is then piped into ssh [email protected] 'tar -xzf - .... Obviously, the file list is not in gzipped format, which causes the error.

Solution: Send the content of $DATE.tar.gz to the ssh command. For example first create the local backup file, then cat $DATE.tar.gz | ssh .... Or, if you don't need the local backup file, create the backup on standard output:

tar -zvcpf - /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_* | ssh ...

You can also try the tee command and write the backup to both standard output and a local file:

tar -zvcpf - /mnt/data/backups/saturday/fathom_* | tee $DATE.tar.gz | ssh ...

As a side remark not really relevant to this question, I just noticed that tar writes the file list to stdout when the archive is written to a file, and to stderr when the archive is written to stdout. Smart!

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