Graphical Keyboard-driven Email Client


I use a laptop without a mouse as my main work system, and I could really use a fully keyboard-driven email client with graphics support.

Right now I have the option of using GUI clients, which, even if they support the keyboard, are optimized for the mouse (buttons and menus taking screen space, actions based on navigating menus with the arrow keys, etc) or terminal-based clients, which don't support embedded images in HTML messages.

Is there something that tries to mix the best of both worlds?

Best Answer

Thunderbird has the Nostalgy add on: it provides a range of keyboard shortcuts to supplement those already included by default (which is a reasonably extensive list anyway).

Additionally, if you find that these are insufficient, you can use the Keyconfig extension to customize your own shortcuts.

If you really want a minimalist interface, you can install muttator, which—as it says on the box—makes Thunderbird:

look and behave like the Vim text editor. It has similar key bindings and you could call it a modal mail client, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in.

This screenshot shows the minimalist chrome using muttator.

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