GPG Hangs When Private Keys are Accessed


I like to sign my git commits with my PGP key, so I was quite alarmed when I went to git commit -S but instead of prompting for my PGP key passphrase, git just started hanging. I haven't made a change to my GPG setup in several months and have made many commits since then with no problem. Additionally, when I attempt to view my private keys with gpg -K, gpg hangs. However, when I run gpg -k to view my public keys, it returns the list like normal. Hopefully someone will have some idea of what is causing this problem and how to fix it.

Best Answer

I came across this exact issue (OSX Sierra 10.12.6, gpg/GnuPG 2.2.5)

Commands that would hang:

gpg -K # --list-secret-keys
gpg -d # --decrypt
gpg --edit-key
gpgconf --kill gpg-agent

My solution was the same as mentioned by John above (ie. kill gpg-agent) as most other methods on how-can-i-restart-gpg-agent would also hang.

# Solution    
pkill -9 gpg-agent

Then for signing git commits I set the tty env as mentioned by cas above and also at gpg-failed-to-sign-commit-object.

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
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