Gpg does not ask for password


I encrypted one file with gpg -c <file> and closed the terminal. After a while, I tried to decrypt it with gpg <file> and it decrypted it, without asking for a password. Is that normal? How to guarantee that gpg will ask for a password, even in my same computer?

Best Answer

This is normal, gpg now uses gpg-agent to manage private keys, and the agent caches keys for a certain amount of time (up to two hours by default, with a ten minute inactivity timeout).

To change the defaults, create or edit a file named ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf, and use the following entries:

  • default-cache-ttl specifies the amount of time a cache entry is kept after its last use, in seconds (600 by default);
  • max-cache-ttl specifies the maximum amount of time a cache entry is kept, in seconds (7200 by default).

After changing these, you’ll need to reload the configuration (try sending SIGHUP to gpg-agent, or killing it outright).