Go to file/directory in Midnight Commander by typing


One thing I really miss in Midnight Commander (compared to some GUI file explorers, like f.e. Thunar) is the ability to go to a certain directory by just typing prefix of its name.

For example for a current directory containing:


Typing man would take me to (focus) directory many. Is there any plugin that would let me configure MC that way?

Best Answer

You don't need any plugins. You have two options:

  1. In current directory panel, type Alt+s or Ctrl+s, then type your search pattern, the cursor will jump to the matches sequentially. To toggle through all results that match the current pattern, repeat the keystroke.

    Note: The Ctrl+s combination will freeze many terminal implementations (press [Ctrl+q to unfreeze), so use Alt+s instead if that happens to you.

  2. Disable Command prompt in Options/Layout.

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