sed – Determine Which Feature Was Introduced in What Version of GNU Sed


I found the following changelogs, but all of them list change / new features in terms of date rather than version number:

For instance, I was trying to find out in what GNU sed version the -z / --null-data option was introduced, and while the above tells me 2012-02-05, I cannot tell what version number that maps to.

Best Answer

Since you have the git history, and the GNU sed developers added git tags for versions, the version you're looking for is 4.2.2, whose tag was added 4 years ago (4.2.1's tag was added 8 years ago, so clearly before 2012). The log for 4.2.2 includes the commit adding -z. Also, if you cloned the source, you can look up which tags included that commit:

git tag --contains <commit>