Gnome3/cinnamon set keyboard shortcut

cinnamongnome3keyboard shortcuts

I cannot find where I can set keyboard shortcut for switching languages.

New problem: I cannot set Alt+Shift combination for that.

Best Answer

I don't use Cinnamon so this might not work for you, but in vanilla Gnome 3.6 you could do this either via terminal:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.keyboard input-sources-switcher alt-shift-l

or via dconf-editor, navigating to org > gnome > settings-daemon > peripherals > keyboard and entering alt-shift-l as a value for the input-sources-switcher key:

enter image description here

In Gnome 3.8 they have re-added this feature to Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts, via an additional section called Typing:

enter image description here

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