Gnome-terminal overrides Vim color setting


I'm in gnome-terminal on Linux Mint 13. (Mate)

Whatever color scheme I set for the terminal overrides the color scheme i have set for Vim.

How can i stop that from happening?

I have read this:
at 'Overriding the terminal's default terminfo', but it's very fuzzy and I simply can't use it to solve this.

What is it that I actually do to override the terminal's color settings?

Best Answer

The important part of that wikia link is:

:set t_Co=256

Entering this in normal mode (or putting it in your ~/.vimrc) will force vim to try to use 256 colors, which should override gnome-terminal's color scheme.

Apparently, while gnome-terminal is capable to 256 colors, it doesn't advertise that fact in a way that vim can detect, which is why setting t_Co manually is often necessary.

See also the vim help file for t_Co: