Gnome menu panel blank space


I'm having a problem in the top menu panel since a couple of days, some space has been created between some icons and I don't know how to remove it. A screendump:

alt text

Does anyone know what the reason could be for it?

By the way, I'm using Ubuntu Lucid (should I ask in the ubuntu site?).


Edited: This is how it looks like now, still one blank space, but much better (I guess it has something to do with the question from Michael's link)

alt text

Edit 2: After a reboot, the blank space was gone so solved 🙂

Best Answer

As far as I can see from the screenshot, it could be either of two things.

It doesn't look like the spacing between icons as defined by gnome is off, but just to make sure, you could run:

gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/panel/toplevels/top_panel/padding 0
gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/panel/toplevels/bottom_panel/padding 0
gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/panel/applets/systray/prefs/padding 0  

The other possibility is that due to a resolution change your icons on the panel got stuck out of position. This is really annoying, and if the icons are locked they won't automatically swap back into place when you switch to the previous res. This happens a lot with dynamically resizable VMs.
To deal with this, make sure that the icons are unlocked (right click, untick "Lock") and then move them back to where they belong.

Please let us know if this resolved your issue.

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