Gnome Keyboard Shortcuts – Disable Alt+Shift Keyboard Layout Switching in Gnome 3.22

gnomegnome3keyboard shortcutskeyboard-layout

After the latest upgrade on Debian stretch, hitting alt+shift on my keyboard make it change layout, which breaks all my alt+shift+<anything> xbindkeys shortcuts.

I have disabled all shortcuts in Settings -> Keyboard -> Input. Still the same.

In Settings -> Languages, it is said that this alt+shift behaviour can be tweaked in.. Settings -> Keyboard. But alt+shift seems to be set nowhere there. Is it hardcoded? Is there a way xbindkeys can work around this?

Best Answer

Okay, got it: this line in my /etc/default/keyboard


.. should not contain grp:alt_shift_toggle, which is the relevant xkb option according to this post.

In addition, Gnome overrides xkb options according to this other post. As a consequence, this output:

$ dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options

.. should not read grp:alt_shift_toggle on my machine either. So after I ran:

dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options "['grp_led:scroll']"

I got my good'ol behaviour back ;)

I have filed this as a bug to Gnome.

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