Group IDs – Understanding GID, Primary, Supplementary, Effective, and Real Group IDs


The following links discuss these concepts in different contexts. I have read their definitions, but I still can't tell how they are related, or if some of them are just the same.

Here is one example of the source of my confusion:

According to man id, if I type id, I should get what they call effective and real group IDs.

id uid=501(joe) gid=501(joe) groups=501(joe), 100(users)

However, Wikipedia refers to the output of id to distinguish between primary and supplementary IDs. Moreover, Wikipedia distinguishes between primary vs supplementary and effective vs real group ids. How do these concepts relate to each other?

Also, is it true that primary group ID = group ID = current group ID?

Best Answer

You mix two different distinctions here:

  1. Between real and effective group ids
  2. Between primary and supplementary users' groups

The first distinction refers to how processes are being run. Normally, when you run a command/program, it is run with the privileges of your user. It has the real group id same as your user's primary group. This can be changed by a process in order to perform some tasks as a member of another special group. To do that, programs use the setgid function that changes their effective group id.

The second distinction refers to users. Each user has his/her primary group. There is only one per user and is referred to as gid in the output of the id command. Apart from that, each user can belong to a number of supplementary groups - and these are listed at the end of id output.

[Edit] :

I agree that the manpage for id is somewhat misleading here. It is probably because it is a stripped-down version of the description provided by the info document. To see it more clearly, run info coreutils "id invocation" (as suggested at the end of the id manual).

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