Permissions – Getting New Files to Inherit Group Permissions on Linux


I am having a problem with permissions on a Linux server. I am used to BSD. When a directory is owned by a group the user who owns it isn't in such as www-data, files created in it will be owned by that group. This is important because I want files to be readable by the webserver (which I will not run as root) but so a user can still put new files in the directory. I can't put the users in www-data because then they can read every other users websites.

I want the webserver to read all websites, I want users to be able to change their own.

The permissions are set like this on the folders at the moment….

drwxr-x--- 3 john www-data 4096 Feb 17 21:27 john

It is standard behavior on BSD for permissions to work this way. How do I get Linux to do this?

Best Answer

It sounds like you're describing the setgid bit functionality where when a directory that has it set, will force any new files created within it to have their group set to the same group that's set on the parent directory.


$ whoami

$ groups
saml wheel wireshark

setup a directory with perms + ownerships

$ sudo mkdir --mode=u+rwx,g+rs,g-w,o-rwx somedir
$ sudo chown saml.apache somedir
$ ll -d somedir/
drwxr-s---. 2 saml apache 4096 Feb 17 20:10 somedir/

touch a file as saml in this dir

$ whoami

$ touch somedir/afile
$ ll somedir/afile 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 saml apache 0 Feb 17 20:11 somedir/afile

This will give you approximately what it sounds like you want. If you truly want exactly what you've described though, I think you'll need to resort to Access Control Lists functionality to get that (ACLs).


If you want to get a bit more control over the permissions on the files that get created under the directory, somedir, you can add the following ACL rule to set the default permissions like so.


$ ll -d somedir
drwxr-s---. 2 saml apache 4096 Feb 17 20:46 somedir

set permissions

$ sudo setfacl -Rdm g:apache:rx somedir
$ ll -d somedir/
drwxr-s---+ 2 saml apache 4096 Feb 17 20:46 somedir/

Notice the + at the end, that means this directory has ACLs applied to it.

$ getfacl somedir
# file: somedir
# owner: saml
# group: apache
# flags: -s-


$ touch somedir/afile
$ ll somedir/afile 
-rw-r-----+ 1 saml apache 0 Feb 17 21:27 somedir/afile

$ getfacl somedir/afile
# file: somedir/afile
# owner: saml
# group: apache
group::r-x              #effective:r--
group:apache:r-x        #effective:r--

Notice with the default permissions (setfacl -Rdm) set so that the permissions are (r-x) by default (g:apache:rx). This forces any new files to only have their r bit enabled.

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