Getting error “Can’t create transaction lock” with rpm


I am slowly making progress on installing Fedora into a Logical Volume for a DomU using Package Management. I have (with the help of the wonderful people at Unix & Linux) resolved a number of issues, mainly surrounding rpm (see links below):

I am using the --root option with rpm to change my newly built version of rpm to /mnt/fedRoot. I have also directed rpm to look at the rpmrc file in the build folder, rather than on the actual /var/lib/rpm. Now Unfortunately, on any rpm file I run though I am getting: error: can't create transaction lock on /mnt/fedRoot (Is a directory). Looking online, I found a few pages that indicated this was an issue with the __db.*. Though deleting them and rebuilding the db within my rpm folder fixed another issue, I am still getting the transaction lock error.

Anyone have insight into this error?

Best Answer

Try running your command as root. It worked for me.

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