Text Processing – How to Get Part of a Line Before the Last Slash

cutgrepmpdtext processing

I'm trying to write a conky script that shows my MPD album art, a 'folder.jpg' in the album folder. My current plan is to use mpc -f %file%, which prints out the file name and path, and then cut out the actual file name (i.e. everything after the last /), and use that as the path to for conky's image object.

I'm having trouble with grep/cut, particularly since some songs are nested in two folders, while others are in one. (grep -m 1 . |cut -f1 -d / works for the single folder albums)

How would I go about this? Is there a simpler way I'm missing?

Best Answer

You can use sed to remove the rest - everything starting with the last slash:

mpc -f %file% | head -1 | sed 's:/[^/]*$::'

The pattern /[^/]*$ matches a slash, followed by any characters except slash, up to the end of the line. It is replaced by the empty string.
The head -1 ignores some status output following the line we want - but see below for how to not pring them in the first place.

In case you are not used to sed, the command may look unusual because of the : used. You may have seen sed commands with / as separator before, like 's/foo/bar/' - I prefer to use the separator : for readability, as the expression contains / itself. Alternatively, we could escape the / in the expression: 's/\/[^\/]*$//' - that does not make it more readable.

The way you use it with mpc gives you two additional status lines. The option -q for quiet switches off all the output. You need to combine -q with explicitly printing the current playing file to get the line yon need, and nothing more:

mpc -q -f %file% current | sed 's:/[^/]*$::'

Instead of removing everything starting with the last slash, one could explicitly print everything before the last slash:

mpc -q -f %file% current | sed 's:^\(.*\)/.*$:\1:'

That matches any characters that are followed by a / and any other characters; It matches as much as possible, so that the / that is matched will be the last one.

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