Gentoo: how can I emerge a package while keeping previous resume data


Let's suppose in Gentoo Linux I'm emerging a lot of packages with parallel emerging enabled, and one of them fails because compiling its source code takes a lot of RAM, so the compiler ran into an out-of-memory and got axed; this probably happened because the offending package was not the only one that was being built, so if I emerge that package individually, it might build without problems. So I want to emerge only that one package, and then resume the rest of my big previous emerge once it's done. How can I do it?

I've seen some solutions posted online such as saving the resume list to a file and then loading it into emerge, but these solutions don't seem to be the best (that one solution didn't seem to support parallel emerging). Ideally, the best solution should allow for issuing emerge --resume to continue the previous emerge after installing the offending package individually.

Best Answer

It would depend on how are you specifying this list of packages you're emerging. If it's done by specifying a package or a set that pulls in a lot of dependencies, you would build the problematic package and then just run the same command again. In that case emerge will not install packages that are already merged.

If however you are doing a less likely thing and specifying the list of packages by hand in command line, you would have to remove the already merged packages from the list by hand. Because as far as I know, there are no parameters that would exclude already merged stuff.

Perhaps some magic could be done with gentoolkit or some other helper app from portage-tools, but unfortunately I'm not very familiar with those.

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