FTP on Linux RH — stuck at 150 Ascii


We have 2 linux RH servers, that were configured the same way. Same OS version, same ftp client, etc.

The ftp client that we had installed is located in this website.


The permissions were already set up equally at a firewall level, for both servers. Both are on the same vlan 10.240.194.x/23

We have server A and B.

Server A connects to the ftp server withouth issues, we just have to set it up in active connection.

Server B does connect as well and we set it up in active mode. But when we try to list files/directories, find current dir location, or upload/download files we can't. So far the only thing we are able to do, is change to another directory.

Everytime we try, to do at least a simple ls,pwd we get this msg

200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.    #It gets stuck here for a while. 
500 Command not understood. 

As far as I understand, that ftp client, which is installed in both servers, doesn't have anything to be changed or configured.

Does anyone has an idea of what could be check/change to make the other server work. Sadly the FTP server, is not owned by our company. I tried to do some search, but haven't been lucky.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

You have to do FTP in passive mode and not active mode.

If using a text client, you have to use the command:


If using another piece of software, you will have to find the menu for PASSIVE mode transmission.

see Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation

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