Fsck won’t fsck (unable to set superblock flags)

ext4fscksd card

Following an unclean shutdown on an SD card based device, I took the SD card out to fsck the root filesystem. This led to variations on the following:

e2fsck 1.43.1 (08-Jun-2016)
/dev/sdc2: recovering journal
Superblock needs_recovery flag is clear, but journal has data.
Run journal anyway<y>? no
Clear journal<y>? no
e2fsck: unable to set superblock flags on /dev/sdc2

Here I've answered "no" both times but there is no sequence of yes/no that does not immediately lead to the same outcome.

The filesystem can be mounted and on casual inspection appears okay; it also works fine in the device, and that's the root filesystem (actually it turned out to be not quite fine, see comments; tldr some irretrievably corrupted directories).

I dd'd the partition (8 GB) to a file, and tried fsck on that. Interestingly:

e2fsck 1.43.1 (08-Jun-2016)
plush.rootfs: recovering journal
Clearing orphaned inode 18290 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=34096)
Clearing orphaned inode 18270 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=38916)
Clearing orphaned inode 18250 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=1128076)
Clearing orphaned inode 11411 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=293108)
Setting free inodes count to 406127 (was 408580)
Setting free blocks count to 1305622 (was 1347486)
plush.rootfs: clean, 60209/466336 files, 604906/1910528 blocks (check after next mount)

A subsequent fsck passed clean, the image can be mounted, and fsck -f after that passes as well.

But the filesystem on the card from which the raw block copy image was created still has the same problem — except that the systemd-fsck which takes place during boot logs the filesystem as "clean". Subsequently though, a proper shutdown, taking the card out, and trying fsck again from another box presents the same error.

Whenever the original is mounted on another machine, syslog notes:

kernel: EXT4-fs (sdc2): 4 orphan inodes deleted
kernel: EXT4-fs (sdc2): recovery complete

Since I have it all backed up, I'm open to trying anything here. I could simply forget about this and reburn the partition from the apparently fixed image, but that does not seem like a very satisfactory solution, since it means assuming fsck cryptically failed at solving a minor looking problem.

I suspect this is going to turn into a "request for official documentation" question regarding stuff like needs recovery_flag (or just plain "What does this mean?" question), so any suggestions along those lines are appreciated.

Best Answer

I just ran into this same problem. After debugging the issue with the e2fsck maintainer, we realised that the SD card was broken. It was accepting writes without error, but it wasn't actually writing the data to the card. The SD card was effectively read only.

It seems the card had gone into some sort of failsafe mode, where the data could still be read, but nothing written.

The e2fsck message unable to set superblock flags means it tried to write to the superblock to mark the journal as processed, which happened without error, but when it went to read the superblock back again it still indicated that the journal needed to be replayed. In other words, the changes written to the superblock were not saved on the storage medium.

The card I am using that has this problem is a Samsung Evo 16GB microSD, which I mention just in case it's a common problem with these cards.

I was able to test this by using dd to write 4096 bytes from /dev/zero onto the card at block 0, then I read back from the card and instead of getting all zeroes as I should, I still got the original unchanged ext4 superblock.

I'm now in the process of moving the data onto a new card and then seeing if I can get a replacement from Samsung, who appear to offer a 10 year warranty on SD cards.

UPDATE: Samsung replaced the 16GB card with a 32GB one in the same Evo series, so guess I can't complain too much!

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