Freebsd – Keys for copy & paste in FreeBSD console


How do I copy paste text inside the FreeBSD console? I tried

  1. ctrl + c, ctrl + v
  2. super + c, super + v

I have FreeBSD 10.1 installed in VirualBox on a Mac.

I am selecting text with the mouse in FreeBSD console and pressing ctrl + c, ctrl + v expecting that selected text will be inserted in the console but nothing occurs.

enter image description here

Best Answer

[Putting some of the stuff from comments here as an answers so that this question may perhaps be marked answered.]

First, select text via the mouse, then press either the middle button or Shift-Insert to paste.

Note that you will need the VirtualBox or VMWare guest additions to copy/paste between the host and the guest. And you'll need to enable clipboard sharing for that particular VM guest. I believe they will only work in X11, not on the console.

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