Freebsd – Install a package and all its dependencies without a confirmation prompt with FreeBSD pkg


Is there a way to automatically install packages and their dependencies, like with apt-get -y in Debian, without being prompted each and every time?

Installing Webmin, NGiNX and nano in 1 step, all their dependancies automatically:

sudo apt-get -y install webmin nginx nano

On FreeBSD 10, (I'm still getting used to Ports) I would type:

pkg install webmin nginx nano

If I append the -y switch, it just fails. I looked at the documentation at meBSD and FreeBSD Handbook and there doesn't seem to be an option/switch to use. Any ideas anyone?

Best Answer


pkg install -y webmin nginx nano

Check man pkg-install:


pkg install [-AfgIinFqRUxy] [-r reponame] pkg-origin ...


 -y  Assume yes when asked for confirmation before package installation.

Note the y in [-AfgIinFqRUxy]!

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