Freebsd – How to run simple command on startup on FreeBSD


I need to run a command at startup on my machine using FreeBSD:

cd /home/portal
mv portal.sqlite corrupt_portal.sqlite

This is clearly not a daemon or a service, just a one time command at every boot.

I tried to put a .sh file inside /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ with #!/bin/bash and it doesn't do anything, I also tried to simply write touch testfile
If I run both versions manually they work with no problem.

What am I missing here?

Best Answer

The rc(8) script is responsible for running the automatic boot process, and the example section of the manual gives a simple template for the /etc/rc.d/ directory. Read the rc.subr(8) manual page for further guidance on writing startup scripts.

However, one of the final stages of the automatic boot process is to read a script file called /etc/rc.local (if it exists). This file requires no special formatting or keywords, or the execute bit set.

From the rc(8) manual page:

Typically, the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ mechanism is used instead of rc.local these days but if you want to use rc.local, it is still supported.

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