Freebsd – how to reboot a frozen FreeBSD server from the serial console


Linux has the "magic sysrq key" to reboot frozen machines remotely, and it works over the serial console, but what about FreeBSD? Is there a way to send a "control-alt-delete" to FreeBSD servers on serial consoles?

Best Answer

Assuming you have a kernel with the debugger option compiled in you can use ControlAltEscape. From there you can call boot(0) or panic.

Chapter 10 of the FreeBSD developers handbook explains this in a lot more detail.

So much for more or less the same as SysReq via a keyboard. On the serial console, you need to send the break signal and have the options BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER enabled. But "it is not the default since there are a lot of serial adapters around that gratuitously generate a BREAK condition, for example when pulling the cable".