Freebsd – How to enable options for installed Ports in FreeBSD


I installed the Vim editor using Ports and in the process didn't enable GTK2 or GNOME option. I assume that either these 2 options will let me use gvim. Here's my pkg info vim:

Name           : vim
Version        : 7.4.430_1
Installed on   : Sun Sep  7 13:30:57 PHT 2014
Origin         : editors/vim
Architecture   : freebsd:10:x86:32
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : editors
Maintainer     :
WWW            :
Comment        : Improved version of the vi editor
Options        :
        ATHENA         : off
        CONSOLE        : on
        CSCOPE         : on
        GNOME          : off
        GTK2           : off
        LUA            : on
        MOTIF          : off
        NLS            : on
        PERL           : on
        PYTHON         : on

Now, I want to enable either the GNOME or GTK2 option.

I've tried make deinstall followed by make reinstall but I don't get the dialogs for choosing the options to enable just like I did when I installed Vim the first time. I've also tried make deinstall then make install but still no go.

Best Answer

FreeBSD is smart enough to not bother you about port options: if they haven't changed at port level (Makefile), it won't ask you twice for them.

I do not use binary packages but I guess, in your case, that options from your previous installed binary package were kept so the make config step was skipped.

Anyway, to force FreeBSD to display the dialog screen to choose your build options, run make config before make install.

In the same way: to restore default options, it exists make rmconfig.