Freebsd – Calculate the date from 1125 days ago on non-GNU systems


On the Unix Bash commandline, I want to calculate the date from 1125 days ago using the base operating system (e.g. No Perl or Python).

On systems running GNU Date, I can do something like this:

ubuntu $ date --date="1125 days ago"
Wed Nov  7 15:12:33 PST 2007

FreeBSD or MacOSX systems don't ship with GNU Date, and don't support values like "X days ago".

freebsd81 $ date --date="+1125 days ago"
date: illegal option -- -

I can calculate a date from a few days ago on a Mac or FreeBSD system, but this is limited to a few days:

# Today is really Dec 6, 2010. 4 days ago it was:
macosx $ TZ=GMT+96 date +%Y%m%d

# But that doesn't work if I want to see the date 8 days ago:
macosx $ TZ=GMT+192 date +%Y%m%d

Can I calculate old dates on non-GNU systems without delving into tools like Perl or Python? Or must I use a more powerful scripting language?

Best Answer

Well, you can do something sneaky like:

$ echo "`date +%s` - (1125 * 24 * 60 *60)" |bc
$ date -r 1194478689
Wed, 07 Nov 2007 18:38:09 -0500

Tested on OpenBSD (definitely non gnu based date), and seems to work.

Breaking it down in steps:

  • get the current unixtime (seconds since beginning of unix epoch):
  $ date +%s
  • get the number of seconds in 1125 days
  $ echo "1125 * 24 * 60 *60" | bc
  • subtract one from the other (1291679934 - 97200000) = 1194478815

  • use the new unixtime (1194478815) to print a pretty date

    $ date -r 1194478689
    Wed, 07 Nov 2007 18:38:09 -0500
  • As an alternative, on solaris you can do this to print the date*:

    /bin/echo "0t1194478815>Y\n<Y=Y" |adb

* referenced from

Also, an alternative on Solaris for getting the current timestamp from the date command** is:

/usr/bin/truss /usr/bin/date 2>&1 |  nawk -F= '/^time()/ {gsub(/ /,"",$2);print $2}'

** referenced from

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