FreeBSD, bootstrapping pkg, “pkg-static: sqlite error while executing INSERT OR ROLLBACK INTO pkg_search”


I was trying to install bash on a FreeBSD 10.2 system, see How to Install bash on FreeBSD

But the install failed because pkg was trying to fetch from a too-new repository.

I then tried following the recipe at, which several sources said was the right thing to do.

However, part of the recipe involved uninstalling pkg and reinstalling it. That resulted in the following:

# pkg install -y pkg
The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: y

Bootstrapping pkg from 
pkg+, please 
Verifying signature with trusted certificate done
pkg-static: warning: database version 34 is newer than libpkg(3) 
version 31, but still compatible
pkg-static: sqlite error while executing INSERT OR ROLLBACK INTO 
pkg_search(id, name, origin) VALUES (?1, ?2 || '-' || ?3, ?4); in 
file pkgdb.c:1542: no such table: pkg_search

And so now I'm stuck. Can anybody tell me how I might recover from this state?

Best Answer

You can try removing everything in /var/db/pkg/ directory, but the proper solution is to upgrade to supported FreeBSD release (10.4 or 11.2)

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