FreeBSD 10 with Root-on-ZFS using only a part of the disk


I'm having a bit of trouble here. I'll try and be as concise as possible in describing my objective:

I'm setting up a storage server for my employer, using two Intel DC S3500 series 120GB solid state drives (and 12 x 2TB SAS drives for storage). I would like to install freebsd10 with root-on-zfs on these drives, but only use a small (12GB) partition to create a zfs mirror for the OS. The remaining space, I want to use for a ZIL/SLOG (24GB), and the rest for a L2ARC (striped, everything that's left, on both drives).

I cannot figure out how to tell the freebsd10 installer to only use 'ada0p2' and 'ada1p2' as my mirror for installing the OS onto. I only get the option for using the entire drives.

Additionally, I've tried installing as normal and then using zfs send and recv to backup, resize the partition with gpart, and then restore a replica stream of my zroot pool… the system refuses to boot when I do that.

How do I go about achieving this goal? Any assistance with this would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

I don't think the installer can do what you want yet (although it's getting better over time), so you could try booting the installation image, and run a root shell from the initial menu. You can then use gpart, zpool and zfs to configure your disks by hand and install the system from the archives on the image.

There are numerous guides around the Internet, but I find that Matthew Seaman's is the best for my needs. It describes a mirrored root-on-zfs setup that supports boot environments (I use a slightly modified version of the sysutils/beadm port to manage my boot environments). It doesn't talk about configuring log and cache devices, but it should give you enough information to get the OS installed as you want it, and you can then add logging and cache devices after the fact.

There are also some good resources linked from the RootOnZFS page on the FreeBSD wiki.

Whichever guide you decide to follow, personal experience suggests that you allow yourself time to run through it a couple of times to get the feel for it and to ensure you understand your config, before you commit the box to a production environment.

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